Friday, August 5, 2011

DIY Acne Scar Reducing Toner!

     Hello beauties! I have never had amazing skin. I always have huge pimples, redness, whiteheads, and blackheads. Recently, thank you to my new skin care routine (just comment if you want me to make a post about it!) I have gotten rid of everything! ...With the exception of a few blackheads on my nose and ofcourse: Acne Scars. :/
     Aren't they just the most annoying little things? First you get all excited because all of your acne is gone, but there's still those little scars to remind you of them! I found this recipe online, and added my own little twist to it. I have found after only a week of using this, my acne scars are REALLY starting to fade! Not only that, but my skin looks brighter and cleaner. So wanna know how to make it? Let's get started!
     You'll need:
-A jar/container to hold it in
-Apple Cider Vinegar (It must be APPLE CIDER vinegar, or your skin will just get worse.)
-Organic Green Tea
-4 or more Vitamin E gels
-Lemon Juice
-Olive Oil

     First, pour the apple cider vinegar into the jar, until it's about 1/4 full. Then pour your cooled down organic green tea filling up 2 more fourths. Now, take your vitamin E gels and carefully stab them with a sewing needle and squeeze all of their contents into the jar. Screw on the jar cap and shake it up! Store it in your fridge; it should last about 2 weeks.
     If you have really sensative skin, I recommend adding a little water to the mixture to dilute it. If you want extra scar reducing power, add a little organic lemon juice. If you have dry skin, mix in a little olive oil to help mousturize your skin.
     There you go! An amazing toner that actually works! I apply this on every night after washing my face and before I put on any serums or mousturizer. Well, I really hope this works for all of you! E-mail or comment and tell me your stories! Until next time :)


  1. I just wanted to tell you, I have a lot acne scars too and I have a few chicken pox scars because I didn't get it until I was 14 and they haven't had time to fade really. So I recently started using Proactiv Skin Lightening Lotion, I think that's its full name, and it seems to be working after a few days. My skin is kind of dry though, so I started using it only in the morning and using masks at night every few days. I bought it on Amazon though so it wasn't as expensive as it could have been; the reviews on there are actually what convinced me to give it a try.

  2. Does it actually work though? I've tried the whole acne trio for my old acne problems and all it did was dry out my skin and make it worze. I havent tried that lotion though. Hmmm

  3. I've actually heard really bad things about the Proactiv trio I guess is what it's called. So I didn't use that, I only use their refining mask and the skin lightener. I bought both on Amazon for pretty cheap, less than from Proactiv so I figured it would be worth it to try since it wasn't very expensive. I actually have pretty dry skin too so I use Hempz Original Moisturizer and it really works, my skin is dry and it doesn't peel at all since I've started using it. I also use the Glytone acne system instead of Proactiv because I've seen some bad reviews on Proactiv. Actually my whole acne face system is on my blog because like I said I have really dry skin too so if you want to check it out it goes more in depth than this and everything has really been working for me.
